Wednesday, January 2, 2008

More rich bitches on TV

I think if I see another spoiled, rich bitch flaunting or complaining about her life I am going to go postal at a few networks...The Kardashians and Kimora Lee Simmons (and you KNOW how I feel about her from an earlier post)to name a few. Watch the Kardashian girls try to create an acting/modeling career for themselves by posing for racy promo pics and then baiting their mom so viciously that she throws it back in their faces and does a nude shoot of her own. Ok, if I had that much plastic on my body I'd probably do it too. And trust me I have a little myself - ok a little - hey a girl's gotta stay fresh but these divas are pulled back and pushed up and lipo'd and collagen'd to the next century. AND ya wonder why little miss Jamie Lyn is pregnant - that was an accident waiting to happen. Were any of you surprised? Not moi. Why can't these girls keep their pants on? I recently read an article about The Cruz Girls - Penelope and her sister, Monica. They said they were kept on a tight leash by their mom - that's what the young impressionables need - more moms to keep them in line, instead of filling their coffers with money THEY didn't earn. Ever heard of the Coogan law? Do ya notice those that seem to keep themselves in the tabloids and those you never hear about because they actually have A LIFE??!! And that life doesn't revolve around all the negative publicity they can get? Well, as they say, any publicity is good puts the talentless in the spotlight where they are dying to be. Oh, get a therapist.

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